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New features of Exceed TurboX 12.5

Administrative features

ETX Server for Windows Added the video driver version used in the proxy logs
Administrators can now access the end users' performance panel from the Server Manager Sessions grid
New redirection options on profile to support enabling USB, Smart cards, and printers
New ability to register a Windows node on a different server without needing to uninstall
Define a maximum file size limit to transfer
ETX is now using the latest VirtualGL 3
'Max search result' option in the sessions grid in SM
Applications can now be configured to run in Windows Direct mode
Ability to define the maximum number of sessions per user by Node group
Ability to define a minimum size for the dynamic resizing policy
Ability to notify a user when their session has been reassigned
Moved the etxproxy to the cgroup slice so resource constraints or management commands are applied to the users proxy
Added an option to apply changes made to default user settings to all existing users and/or user groups to REST call
Provided an option to terminate suspended sessions for administrators
New REST API call to kill all sessions
Permit the change of a domain username in ETX through an API
New option to disable the Help icon on the ETX dashboard
A new URL to return the load average based on CPU load of ETX Server
New 'Node roles' search options in Server Manager
Ability to message to users running on a specific Node Group
New prompt to warn users on a profile deletion
Session termination warning uses the session description
Disable mail notification for Admin (Read-Only) user accounts

Performance features

Performance improvements made to better support dual 4K monitors
Ability to run a Windows application using the fast Windows Direct mode
Transferring files that need compressing now use streaming compression

Security features

For enhanced security, the Content-Security-Policy has been set to default-src 'self'

Implemented the use of OpenSSL 3
Added Kerberos authentication for connection nodes
Improvements to CA Siteminder authentication
Added a utility to mask sensitive data in the database dump file
Added an expiration attribute to the ETX_JSESSIONID_XXX cookies

User features

file transfer messages over ETX direct session
Ability to initiate the start of a user defined Windows application in Xstart
Provides the ability to forward audio to the user through Windows Direct sessions using native client
Provides the ability to forward audio to the user through Windows Direct sessions using web client
Provides the ability to use and connect a local USB stick on the client side to the application host server
Added support to use UDP for audio redirection
Restrict the resizing of windows when 'fixed' is defined in the profile. Once the session has started, the root window size will no longer change, and number and size of the monitors will no longer change
Added the ability to recover a session after an unexpected ETX Server failure
Limit the minimum resize policy to 800x600 for Mac® client
Improved the behavior and accessibility of the FS toolbar for various configurations
Retain the sort order in the Dashboard and Server Manager grids
Language support for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
Modifications made to profile tiles to better present the suspend and information options
File and Print Manager window can now be minimized while in use
New option to swap the Control and Command keys for Mac O/S
Ability to show more than 12 users in the Session Manager window
Suspended Session description is now shared on three lines
Keep session owner screen static on Mac when sharing session, resize sharing user screen to match owner
Support for BEPO and Colemak keyboard
Option added to allow session participants (not just session owner) to add additional users to shared session
Added an option to PIN the full screen toolbar by default
Messages sent to suspended sessions now pop up to user once session is resumed
Improvements to dynamic session resizing for Windows 10 using web client

  • 2022-06-18